What is HypnoBirthingⓇ
The Mongan Method?
HynoBirthingⓇ is as much a philosophy as it is a technique. It is a rewarding, relaxing, stress-free method of birthing that is based on the belief that all babies should come into the world gently,
in an atmosphere of calm and joy.
HypnoBirthingⓇ is based on the belief that severe discomfort does not need to be a natural accompaniment of birthing when a woman is prepared and trusts her birthing body.
"When you change the way you view birth,
the way you birth will change."
-Marie Mongan
HypnoBirthing® is a tried and proven technique, as well as a philosophy that guides and prepares a woman in giving birth in a peaceful and extraordinarily beautiful manner. It is a program that considers the psychological, as well as the physical, well-being of the mother, her birth partner, and the newborn, independent of context, whether that be in the quiet of a home, a hospital, or a birth center.
The HypnoBirthing® program is built around an educational process that includes special breathing, relaxation, visualization, meditative practice, attention to nutrition, and positive body toning. Most importantly it fosters an air of mutual respect for the birthing family, as well as the healthcare
provider in a traditional healthcare system or an alternative setting.
We know you have many choices and many decisions to make for your birthing experience. You have choices in selecting your care provider; you have choices in selecting the environment in which
you will bring your baby into the world. Another important choice is that of the childbirth education classes you will choose to prepare for the birth of your baby. We know you will be happy with your
choice of HypnoBirthing®, a premium childbirth education program.
The HypnoBirthing® Premise
For most of their lives, women have been inundated with the negative
stories of other women’s birth experiences. Everyone, from their
mothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, friends, and even strangers, wants to tell them horrors about giving birth. They have been conditioned to believe that excruciating pain is associated with labor;
and because of this, women today hold an unprecedented fear of giving birth. This extreme fear causes their bodies to become tense, and that tension prohibits their bodies from easily performing a normal physiological function. The result is exactly what they feared most–long, painful birthing
or unnecessary intervention.
People who are drawn to HypnoBirthing® have long been searching for a
way to give birth confidently and as calmly, safely, and gently as possible, whether
they have chosen to birth in a hospital, a birthing center, or at home.
Since the medicalization of birth, this kind of birthing (HypnoBirthing®)
almost seemed unattainable for the general population.
Through a very simple program of self-hypnosis and education, healthy, low-risk women, as well as women who need medical assistance because of special circumstances, learn to dismiss fear-based stories, misinformation, and birthing myths; and they are helped to see birth as normal.
They learn to trust that their bodies know how to bring their babies into the world in the
calm and gentle way: the way that nature intended.
Why Choose a HypnoBirthing Course?
HypnoBirthing® is as much a philosophy of birth as it is a technique for achieving a satisfying, relaxing, and stress-free birth.
This amazing program teaches you, along with your birth partner, the art and joy of experiencing birth in a more comfortable manner.
You will learn how to call upon your body’s own natural relaxant, and therefore lessen, or eliminate, discomfort and the need for medical intervention.
When you are properly prepared for childbirth and when the mind and body are in harmony, nature is free to function in the same well-designed manner that it does with all other mothers in nature.
Through self-hypnosis and special breathing visualization techniques, HypnoBirthing teaches you to release fear and to trust your body’s ability to birth instinctively.
HypnoBirthing Advantages
Teaches you deep levels of relaxation to eliminate the fear that causes tension and pain
Gives your partner or birthing companion an integral role in the birthing
Teaches you and your birthing partner how to work alongside your birthing team to
achieve the birth you desire -
Shortens the first phase of labor by several hours
Leave you feeling alert, fresh, and awake with energy during your labor
Reduces the need for an episiotomy
Empowers parents with techniques to achieve a gentle, calm birth for themselves and their baby whatever turn their birthing takes
Embraces the concept of pre-birth parenting
Teaches you breathing techniques that allow you to breathe your baby into the world without the violence of hard, physical pushing
Allows you and your partner to approach birth and parenting informed and empowered
What will I learn in HypnoBirthing?
HypnoBirthing® is a complete childbirth education
program that takes place once per week, for 5 weeks. You will learn what I like to call life tools. The relaxation
techniques that you will learn are focused on birth.
However, you will be able to use variations of these techniques for the rest of your life!
How Fear Affects Labor
You will learn how the uterus functions normally. This understanding will allow you to release fear and embrace the concept of easier, more comfortable birth.
Preparing Your Mind and Body for Success
In HypnoBirthing you will learn relaxation and visualizations
that will see you through your labor and quickly
bring about a renewed state of energy
following your birth.
Breathing Techniques
You will learn three gentle breathing techniques to enhance your body’s natural ability and encourage a calm and
peaceful birthing experience.
Healthy mommies' birth healthy babies. We will discuss good nutrition which is essential for your baby’s growth and development. Many late pregnancy concerns can be minimized and even reversed through healthy eating and optimal nutrition.
How the Body Works with You and for You
Childbirth is a normal, natural and healthy function for women. You will learn how your body and baby are designed perfectly for birth.
You will understand what the uteran muscles are doing and why,
as well as the stages of labor…simplified.
Prenatal Bonding
Getting acquainted with your baby is a very magical experience and you don’t have to wait until (s)he is born to enjoy making this connection.
Integral Role for Your Birth Companion
Birth companions are able to experience the joy of supporting mommy and participating in the miracle of birth. Companions are encouraged, however, many single moms have achieved gentle and fulfilling births.
We will also discuss exercise, laboring and birthing positions, birth preferences, breastfeeding and so much more!
Learn more about your JIHB educator by clicking the About page link above.
“My dream is that every woman everywhere will know the joy of a safe, satisfying birth, for both
herself and her baby”
– Marie F. Mongan (Founder) 1989